Best Songs Of 2010 #13

The Morning Benders – Excuses

“I made an excuse, and you found another way to tell the truth.”

There isn’t really much I can say about this track that hasn’t already been said. It may not have any deep meaning or overly complex instrumentation, it is just an awesome song.

From their 2010 hit record ‘Big Echo’, this is the opening track which sets up the listener for a great album. To me it feels almost like waking up, from the initial sound of a vinyl beginning to spin to opening your eyes with that violent acoustic guitar and harmonising vocals. And despite what I said, Excuses does somehow manage to sound complex and richly layered, even if it isn’t at all times.

I love this song, and I can’t wait to see the band live in a few weeks. There’s really not a lot more to add.

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